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WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936

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1/F, Li Dong Building

9 Li Yuen Street

East Central, Hong Kong


Position: 物理治療師
Categories: Physiotherapists

Chris在運動、骨科、肌肉骨骼損傷和康復方面擁有超過十年的經驗。 他採用整體分析的方法,制定系統的分級方案,并给予明確指導方針使治療目標與客戶目標保持一致。 他的職業生涯始於南非的頂級学校橄欖球队,那段經歷磨練了他的運動和創傷治療技能。Chris隨後加入頂級足球聯賽的物理治療隊伍,與職業運動員密切合作。 目前,他在香港賽馬會擔任首席物理治療師,為世界上最傑出的騎師提供物理治療。


  • 理學士物理治療专业(南非 University of the Free State)
  • OMT
  • 幹針治療(南非)
  • Mulligan Concept(Geoff Foat)

UPDATE: new service & new location:

Grace Yu (游心慈), an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, has joined our clinic, bringing together the best of Eastern and Western healthcare practices. Check out her specialty at TCM.

Additionally, HKSC+ is expanding our presence in Kowloon with a new branch in Kai Tak, in collaboration with Asphodel Fitness & Performance!

📍 Our new location:
9/F, Asphodel, AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Rd, Kai Tak, Kowloon

Contact us via WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936 to make a booking for new service or new location.

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