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Phone: +(852) 3709 2846

WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936

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1/F, Li Dong Building

9 Li Yuen Street

East Central, Hong Kong


Position: 整骨師
Categories: Osteopaths

Lorem Ipsum 只是印刷和排版行業的虛擬文本。 自 1500 年代以來,Lorem Ipsum 一直是行業標準的虛擬文本,當時一位不知名的印刷商拿走了一個類型的廚房,並把它打亂成一本字體樣本書。 它不僅存活了五個世紀,而且在電子排版的飛躍中倖存下來,基本保持不變。 它在 1960 年代隨著包含 Lorem Ipsum 段落的 Letraset 工作表的發佈而普及,最近隨著 Aldus PageMaker 等桌面出版軟體的發佈而普及,其中包括 Lorem Ipsum 的版本。

UPDATE: new service & new location:

Grace Yu (游心慈), an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, has joined our clinic, bringing together the best of Eastern and Western healthcare practices. Check out her specialty at TCM.

Additionally, HKSC+ is expanding our presence in Kowloon with a new branch in Kai Tak, in collaboration with Asphodel Fitness & Performance!

📍 Our new location:
9/F, Asphodel, AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Rd, Kai Tak, Kowloon

Contact us via WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936 to make a booking for new service or new location.

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