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1/F, Li Dong Building

9 Li Yuen Street

East Central, Hong Kong

梁綺羚醫生(Dr. Elaine Leung)

Position: 合夥人兼脊骨神經科醫生
Categories: Chiropractors

梁綺羚醫生(Elaine) 是一位資深的脊骨神經科醫生和診所合夥人。在悉尼接受培訓後,她移居香港,宣傳健康的生活方式以及工作與生活的平衡。她的武術背景激發了她對運動損傷治療的興趣。出於她對動物的熱愛,Elaine還獲得了專門針對動物進行脊骨神經治療的資格認證。在閒暇時間,她喜歡烘焙、遠足、看電影和連續劇。 Elaine用重量訓練來優化自己的身體健康,同時用冰淇凌來平衡生活。


  • 脊骨神經科学士 – Macquarie University(澳大利亞)
  • 脊骨神經科硕士 – Macquarie University(澳大利亞)
  • 動物脊骨神經治療法證書 – 動物脊骨神經科學院(美國堪薩斯州)

UPDATE: new service & new location:

Grace Yu (游心慈), an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, has joined our clinic, bringing together the best of Eastern and Western healthcare practices. Check out her specialty at TCM.

Additionally, HKSC+ is expanding our presence in Kowloon with a new branch in Kai Tak, in collaboration with Asphodel Fitness & Performance!

📍 Our new location:
9/F, Asphodel, AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Rd, Kai Tak, Kowloon

Contact us via WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936 to make a booking for new service or new location.

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