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Phone: +(852) 3709 2846

WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936

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1/F, Li Dong Building

9 Li Yuen Street

East Central, Hong Kong


Position: 創辦人兼物理治療師
Categories: Physiotherapists

乔称自己为“姜汁巫师”,但其他人都知道他是乔!他成立了香港运动诊所,以解决当地社区对物理治疗行业的可信度和金钱观念的担忧。乔专注于培养信任和信誉,扩大了诊所的服务范围,包括整体健康和健身。作为一名物理治疗师和运动专家,他专门研究团队运动、跑步者、舞者、瑜伽士、健身房损伤、腰痛、髋关节 OA、FAI 和术后康复。如今,Joe 领导着一支敬业的专业团队,为那些渴望过上更好、更健康生活的人们提供服务。


* 香港运动诊所创办人兼首席物理治疗师

* 前香港足球总会(榄球)首席物理治疗师

* 前香港芭蕾舞团顾问物理治疗师

* 专长:团队运动、跑步者、舞者和瑜伽士、健身房损伤、腰痛和术后康复

* 物理治疗理学学士(科廷大学)

* 拥有超过15年35000小时的临床经验

* 香港及澳洲注册物理治疗师

UPDATE: new service & new location:

Grace Yu (游心慈), an experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, has joined our clinic, bringing together the best of Eastern and Western healthcare practices. Check out her specialty at TCM.

Additionally, HKSC+ is expanding our presence in Kowloon with a new branch in Kai Tak, in collaboration with Asphodel Fitness & Performance!

📍 Our new location:
9/F, Asphodel, AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Rd, Kai Tak, Kowloon

Contact us via WhatsApp: +(852) 5533 1936 to make a booking for new service or new location.

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