Why Do You Always Injure Yourself? Understanding the Causes and Prevention

By Kayden Wu (M. Physio) 

Injuries are an unfortunate reality for many individuals, whether they are athletes or not. These injuries can be frustrating and painful, often hindering progress towards various goals. However, by understanding the principle of injury and taking proactive measures, individuals can minimize the risk of injuries and lead an active, injury-free lifestyle. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the reasons behind frequent injuries, explore practical ways to prevent them, and provide actionable recommendations to keep your body happy and thriving. 

At the core of injury lies a fundamental principle, which is the stress or stimulus applied to our bodies exceeding our capacity to handle it. This principle holds true across various activities and situations. For instance, if you roll your ankle while walking on an uneven surface or experience elbow pain after playing tennis, it indicates that the stress placed on those body parts surpassed their capacity. Interestingly, the most susceptible population to injuries often consists of individuals who are not regularly engaged in physical activities. These individuals may lead sedentary lifestyles but occasionally push themselves to try something new or challenging. Consequently, their bodies, unaccustomed to such stress, become more vulnerable to injury. 

To decrease the likelihood of getting injured, it is essential to develop a compassionate understanding of your body’s limits and not push beyond your comfort zone. If an activity feels uncomfortable or potentially risky, it is best to avoid it. Remember, prioritizing your safety is an act of self-care and respect. Let us address the ongoing debate surrounding certain movement patterns, such as bending the back while lifting or allowing the knees to go over the toes. These movements have often been accused of causing injuries. However, it is important to recognize that these are common movement patterns of the body in daily life. For example, when picking up a heavy box from the ground, it may be necessary to bend the back slightly. Likewise, allowing the knees to go over the toes is essential in jumping and running, fundamental movements in all sports. To prevent injury, it is crucial to expose yourself to these movements safely and gradually, allowing your body to adapt and strengthen in response. 

The Easily Injured Population Group 

Interestingly, the most susceptible population to injuries often consists of individuals who are not regularly engaged in physical activities. These individuals may lead sedentary lifestyles but occasionally push themselves to try something new or challenging. Consequently, their bodies, unaccustomed to such stress, become more vulnerable to injury. 

Reducing the Chance of Injury 

To decrease the likelihood of getting injured, it is essential to develop a compassionate understanding of your body’s limits and not push beyond your comfort zone. If an activity feels uncomfortable or potentially risky, it’s best to avoid it. Remember, prioritizing your safety is an act of self-care and respect. 

The myth of dangerous movements 

Let us address the ongoing debate surrounding certain movement patterns, such as bending the back while lifting or allowing the knees to go over the toes. These movements have often been accused of causing injuries. However, it is important to recognize that these are common movement patterns of the body in daily life. For example, when picking up a heavy box from the ground, it may be necessary to bend the back slightly. Likewise, allowing the knees to go over the toes is essential in jumping and running—fundamental movements in all sports. To prevent injury, it is crucial to expose yourself to these movements safely and gradually, allowing your body to adapt and strengthen in response. 

Recommendations to Prevent Injuries 

Now that we’ve explored the principles and challenges associated with injuries, let’s dive into actionable recommendations that will pave the way to your injury-free journey: 

1. Listen to your body:  

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain and avoid activities that cause excessive strain or discomfort. Your body communicates with you, so honour its signals and adjust accordingly. 

2. Warm up and stretch:  

Prior to engaging in physical activities, warm up your muscles and perform stretching exercises to prepare your body for the upcoming challenges. This helps increase blood flow, flexibility, and reduces the risk of muscle imbalances. 

3. Build strength and flexibility: 

Regularly engage in strength training and flexibility exercises to enhance your body’s resilience and ability to handle stress. A well-rounded fitness routine can reduce the risk of injuries by promoting muscular balance and stability. 

4. Gradual progression: 

When trying new activities or exercises, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity or duration over time. This allows your body to adapt and reduces the chances of injury. Embrace the mindset of a journey, where progress is made one step at a time. 

5. Rest and recovery:  

Give your body adequate rest between workouts or activities to allow for proper recovery and minimize the risk of overuse injuries. Recovery is an integral part of any training program, enabling your body to repair and grow stronger. 

6. Seek professional guidance and train smart: 

If you are unsure about how to safely perform certain activities or exercises, consider consulting with a qualified trainer or healthcare professional. They can provide tailored guidance and design a training program that suits your specific needs, ensuring you train smart and minimize the risk of injury. 


Injuries can disrupt our lives and hinder our progress towards our goals. However, by understanding the principle of injury and taking proactive measures, we can embark on an inspiring journey towards an active, injury-free lifestyle. Remember to listen to your body, gradually challenge yourself, and prioritize safety. Embrace common movement patterns and expose yourself to them safely and gradually. By incorporating these recommendations into your routine, you can enjoy a more vibrant and fulfilling life, free from the setbacks of injuries. So, let’s begin this empowering journey together and unlock your true potential! 

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