Recovering from Lower Back Pain when Running: A Guide to Returning to Running Sports 

Running is an excellent form of exercise that offers various health benefits, but it can also lead to lower back pain if proper technique and care are not taken. There are numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Regular running can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure, manage weight, and reduce the risk […]

Recovering from Achilles Tendon Pain when Running: A Guide to Returning to Running Sports

Running is a popular sport that brings joy and numerous health benefits to individuals worldwide. However, Achilles tendon pain can be a significant hindrance to runners’ performance and enjoyment. Hong Kong Sports Clinic is dedicated to helping runners recover from Achilles tendon pain and return to their favourite sport. In this guide, we will explore […]

Maximizing Performance: Unleashing Your Full Potential on Game/race Day

By Kayden Wu (M. Physio)  Preparing your body for game day requires a strategic and comprehensive approach that encompasses physical training with the guidance of a personal trainer, nutrition, hydration, and pre and post-game routines. As the event draws near, shifting your focus to sports-specific skills, maintaining strength, and developing power becomes paramount. In this […]

Back Pain Self-Help: Understanding Low Back Pain

By Kayden Wu (M. Physio)  Back pain affects countless individuals and can have a profound impact on daily life. However, armed with knowledge and effective self-help strategies, you can navigate your way to relief and regain control. In this article, we will delve into the three main categories of low back pain and provide you […]

Why Do You Always Injure Yourself? Understanding the Causes and Prevention

By Kayden Wu (M. Physio)  Injuries are an unfortunate reality for many individuals, whether they are athletes or not. These injuries can be frustrating and painful, often hindering progress towards various goals. However, by understanding the principle of injury and taking proactive measures, individuals can minimize the risk of injuries and lead an active, injury-free […]

10 key points to perform and stay an injury-free runner

Here are the different points most runners want to consider in order to increase their performance while minimizing the odds of getting injured. 1. The majority of runners sustain an overuse injury over a 1-year period. 2. Chose dynamic stretches over static stretches before a run. You want to increase your body temperature. 3. Knee […]

Can runners’ gait be effectively re-trained?

HKSC - Running injury

Running mechanics have often been cited as potential causes for running-related injuries. It is believed that altering one’s mechanical pattern may lead to reduce the loads on tissues and joints. Altering your running technique is not an easy task, as locomotion is thought to be pretty much automatic and difficult to change. There are 2 […]

The hip anatomical alignment and flexibility

There are very few scientific proofs about the reliability and validity of hip and pelvic alignment measures. A longer or shorter leg has often been pointed out as having an impact on biomechanics and joint injury. From the literature, a leg length discrepancy – LLD – has to be over 20mm, measured on an X-ray.  […]

Assessing hip mechanics for runners

Over the past 20 years, the hip joint has been focused as a key injury predictor. When the knee flexes, internally rotates and abducts during the first half of stance, the hip works in a similar fashion. After heel strike and during the first third of the stance the hip flexes then undergoes almost full […]

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